Regional Powers Unite: Urgent Call for Afghanistan to Prevent Terrorism Hotspot

Regional Powers Unite

Regional Powers Unite: Urgent Call to Dismantle Terrorism in Afghanistan Read about the pivotal Moscow Format Consultations and the collective demand for Afghanistan to curb terrorism, foster inclusivity, and prioritize its citizens’ rights in this comprehensive news article.

Regional Powers Unite

In a pivotal regional security meeting on Afghanistan hosted by Russia and attended by prominent nations including China and India, the participants have collectively sounded a clarion call to the interim Afghan government. The objective is to take effective measures to dismantle all terrorist groups operating within the nation’s borders and ensure that Afghanistan ceases to be a “terrorism hotspot.” This resounding call for enhanced security measures emerged during the fifth Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan, where senior officials from an array of countries convened.


The participants, which included Pakistan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, held deliberations on the pressing security challenges in Afghanistan. Additionally, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey were present as guests of honor, underscoring the gravity of the discussions.

The conference, held in Kazan, Russia, underscored Pakistan’s repeated concerns regarding militants using Afghan territory for cross-border terrorism. Pakistan’s military, in a recent statement, attributed the surge in militancy to “safe havens and liberty of action” for militants based in Afghanistan, along with their access to advanced weaponry. Pakistan also emphasized its expectation that the Afghan government would take decisive action against these militants in accordance with the Doha agreement.

The Russian Foreign Ministry, in a statement released after the meeting’s conclusion, expressed deep concern over the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, particularly due to the escalating activities of terrorist groups, most notably ISIS. The countries in attendance called upon the current Afghan authorities to take immediate and decisive measures to disband, eradicate, and prevent the establishment of all forms of terrorist organizations within Afghanistan. Their objective is to prevent Afghanistan from remaining a hotspot of terrorism and instability that threatens regional stability.

Moreover, the participants stressed the paramount importance of maintaining an effective anti-drug policy, particularly in light of the alarming increase in industrial drug production. They urged the Afghan authorities to collaborate more closely with neighboring nations to combat the challenges posed by terrorism and drug trafficking originating from Afghan soil. It was made abundantly clear that external support for terrorism within Afghanistan is unacceptable.

The meeting also noted the absence of significant progress in forming an inclusive government in Afghanistan that represents the diverse ethno-political groups of the country. While individuals from various Afghan ethnic backgrounds have been appointed to positions within the Kabul administration, the lack of political pluralism raised concerns. The participants urged Afghan authorities to engage in meaningful dialogue with representatives of alternative ethno-political groups, aiming for a more inclusive, accountable, and responsible government that truly reflects the nation’s interests.

Additionally, the meeting emphasized the necessity of improving the welfare of the Afghan people, preventing further migration, and facilitating the return of refugees. Fundamental rights and freedoms were championed, including equal access to employment, education, and justice for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion. The participants voiced concerns about restrictions on women’s employment and girls’ education and called for the promotion of modern education in alignment with international standards.

The collective stance remained firm: Afghanistan should be an independent, united, and peaceful state. The deployment of military infrastructure facilities from third countries in Afghanistan or its neighboring states was deemed unacceptable, regardless of the pretext.

While recognizing the potential for regional economic projects involving Afghanistan, the countries emphasized the need to bolster bilateral and multilateral economic ties. The meeting also reiterated the opposition to politicizing humanitarian aid and highlighted the importance of continuing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan.

Lastly, the meeting acknowledged Iran’s proposal for enhanced regional cooperation through the creation of a regional contact group dedicated to discussing shared areas of interest related to Afghanistan. The fifth Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan brought regional powers together with a unified message: Afghanistan must urgently address the issue of terrorism within its borders to ensure regional stability, foster inclusivity in its government, and prioritize the well-being and rights of its citizens. The international community is watching closely, and the call for action is resounding.

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