Organ Trafficking Gang Dismantled in Pakistan – A Shocking Tale of Illegal Kidney Trade


Explore the shocking revelation of an illegal organ trafficking ring busted in Pakistan, where an alleged gang leader performed hundreds of kidney removal surgeries, selling them to wealthy clients. Discover the details of this heinous operation and the efforts to strengthen cyber laws to combat such crimes.

Organ Trafficking Gang

Pakistani authorities have dismantled an illegal organ harvesting ring operating in the eastern part of the country. Eight individuals have been arrested in connection with the ring, which stands accused of performing hundreds of kidney removal surgeries on unsuspecting patients and then selling the organs to wealthy clients in need of transplants. The alleged mastermind behind this heinous operation, identified only as “Dr. Fawad,” is believed to have conducted 328 such surgeries, fetching prices as high as 10 million Pakistani rupees (approximately $34,000) for each kidney.


The intricate web of this criminal operation involved more than just medical expertise. Reports indicate that Dr. Fawad received assistance from an unnamed car mechanic who administered anesthesia during the surgeries, further complicating the investigation. The gang’s modus operandi involved luring patients away from hospitals and conducting the illegal kidney removal surgeries in private settings across the regions of Taxila, Lahore, and Pakistan-administered Kashmir. The latter location was chosen due to the absence of specific laws regulating kidney transplants, making it easier for the gang to carry out their operations under the radar.

Tragically, this illegal trade has already claimed three lives, with authorities still working to confirm additional cases. “There must be more operations that must have been carried out; the number is the only one we’ve confirmed,” remarked Mohsin Naqvi, the Chief Minister of Punjab province.

What makes this case even more alarming is that Dr. Fawad had previously been arrested five times in the past, only to be released each time, allowing him to continue his illicit activities with impunity. Some victims were unaware that their kidneys had been removed until they sought medical attention elsewhere and were informed of their missing organ.

The catalyst for uncovering this horrifying operation was a brave individual who came forward after being convinced by one of the gang members to seek private medical treatment. However, upon seeking further medical evaluation, he was told that he no longer had one of his kidneys. This shocking revelation prompted authorities to launch a comprehensive investigation that spanned nearly two months.

Chief Minister Naqvi is determined to combat such criminal activities and is collaborating with the Inspector General of Police of Punjab to strengthen the country’s cyber laws to prohibit online advertisements for illegal kidney transplants. “Our entire focus is to track other gangs who are operating like this,” he asserted.

It is important to note that Pakistan officially outlawed the commercial trade of human organs in 2007. In 2010, the law was further reinforced, imposing penalties of up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 1 million rupees ($3,400) for those involved in organ harvesting and trafficking. Prior to these legislative measures, Pakistan had been a hub for the organ trade, catering to both foreigners and affluent Pakistanis in need of transplants. The buying and selling of kidneys were alarmingly common, with some impoverished individuals resorting to selling their own kidneys in a desperate bid for survival.

However, despite these laws, illegal kidney transplants have evidently made a resurgence in recent years, as highlighted by local media reports. This grim resurgence underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to combat organ trafficking, safeguard vulnerable individuals, and ensure that perpetrators of such heinous crimes face the full force of the law.

The dismantling of this organ trafficking gang serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing battle against illegal organ trade and the critical importance of robust enforcement of legislation to protect the lives and well-being of innocent victims.

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