Women’s reservation bill :Sonia Gandhi argues for an OBC quota in reserved seats.

women's reservation bill

Women’s Reservation Bill, which aims to give a 33 percent quota for women in both the Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies. highlighting the contribution her late husband Rajiv Gandhi made to encouraging women’s political participation.

Sonia Gandhi Supports Women’s Reservation Bill, Urges Immediate Implementation

During the Lok Sabha debate on the proposed legislation, Congress leader Sonia Gandhi made a key move by endorsing the Women’s Reservation Bill, which aims to give a 33 percent quota for women in both the Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies. Sonia Gandhi fervently argued for the bill’s prompt implementation and expressed worries regarding the prolonged waiting period for Indian women to accept political duties, highlighting the contribution her late husband Rajiv Gandhi made to encouraging women’s political participation.

women’s reservation bill

Sonia Gandhi’s Tribute to Rajiv Gandhi’s Legacy:

Sonia Gandhi acknowledged the critical contribution that her late husband Rajiv Gandhi made to the cause of increasing the presence of women in Indian politics as she opened her speech. Rajiv Gandhi had proposed a constitutional change to regulate women’s involvement in local body elections, she pointed out. Despite opposition, the concept eventually became a reality under the direction of Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao, leading to the election of 15 lakh women as leaders in local bodies across the country. In order to fully realize her husband’s vision, Sonia Gandhi highlighted that the present Women’s Reservation Bill must be passed. Until then, the goal will only be partially realized.

Indian Women’s Indomitable Spirit:

Sonia Gandhi praised the tenacity and determination of Indian women, comparing them to an ocean for their patience and a river for their steadfast dedication to the advancement of society. She fervently demanded that the Women’s Reservation Bill be put into effect as soon as possible, arguing that further delays are unnecessary given that women have endured a protracted 13-year wait for political emancipation. She highlighted the critical requirement for Indian women’s active engagement in government by raising sensitive concerns about whether it was appropriate to make them wait longer.

Congress Party’s Firm Support and Demands:

The Indian National Congress has made it plain that it completely supports the Women’s Reservation Bill, according to Sonia Gandhi. She did, however, raise an important query regarding the suggested implementation schedule. She noted the importance of conducting a caste census and making provisions for the reservation of women from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC) while also praising the bill’s approval. She contended that an all-encompassing strategy would guarantee an accurate and inclusive portrayal of all societal groups.

A Plea for Swift Action:

Sonia Gandhi made a strong message as she wrapped off her speech, underscoring that any delay in putting the Women’s Reservation Bill into effect would be a grievous injustice to Indian women who have long waited for their due standing in politics. She pleaded with legislators to grasp the severity of the issue and act quickly to empower women and carry out Rajiv Gandhi’s agenda.

The strong backing of the Women’s Reservation Bill by Sonia Gandhi in the Lok Sabha reflects the growing call for gender equality and more women in politics in India. She calls for immediate action and pays poignant homage to her late husband’s vision, underscoring the urgency of empowering Indian women and ensuring their full participation in the democratic process. By giving women the representation they clearly deserve, the Women’s Reservation Bill, which is presently being debated in the Lok Sabha, has the potential to bring about a radical change in India’s political landscape.

also read congress stand on women’s bill


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