Indian Mining Tycoon Harpal Randhawa and Son Amer Kabir Tragically Killed in Zimbabwe Plane Crash


Indian mining tycoon Harpal Randhawa and his son Amer Kabir tragically lost their lives in a plane crash near a Zimbabwean diamond mine. Learn more about the incident that shook the mining industry and the legacy of these influential figures.

In a heart-wrenching incident that has sent shockwaves through the mining industry and beyond, Indian billionaire and distinguished mining tycoon Harpal Randhawa and his son, Amer Kabir, met a tragic end as their private aircraft crashed near a diamond mine in the picturesque Zvamahande area of Mashava, situated in southwestern Zimbabwe. The untimely demise of these two influential figures has left a void in the world of mining and business that will be challenging to fill.

Harpal Randhawa


Harpal Randhawa, a well-known name in the mining world, was the owner of RioZim, a diversified mining company with an extensive portfolio that included operations in gold and coal, as well as the refining of nickel and copper. Accompanied by his son and four others, he embarked on what should have been a routine journey. Tragically, this journey would end prematurely due to what has been reported as a ‘technical fault,’ according to various media outlets.

The father-son duo’s mission was to travel from Harare to the Murowa diamond mine, a journey they had undertaken before without incident. However, fate had other plans, and the private aircraft they were on, a Cessna 206, privately owned by RioZim, encountered a catastrophic failure. The aircraft’s descent into Peter Farm in the Zvamahande region was swift and tragic, with the plane crashing near the Murowa Diamonds mine.


Initial investigations have raised the possibility of a technical fault that could have triggered a mid-air explosion, leading to the plane’s fatal descent. As authorities meticulously comb through the wreckage and analyze the flight data, many questions linger about the precise sequence of events that led to this tragic outcome.

Despite the official names of the victims not yet being publicly disclosed by the authorities, close friend and prominent journalist and filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono confirmed the loss. In a poignant gesture, Chin’ono also shared information about the planned memorial service for Harpal Randhawa and his son, allowing those who knew them to come together and pay their respects to these influential figures.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police provided official confirmation of the incident, revealing that six lives were lost in the crash. Among the victims, four were foreigners, while the other two were Zimbabwean nationals. The incident occurred on the fateful morning of September 29, between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., as the RioZim-owned aircraft took off from Harare on its way to the Murowa diamond mine, only to meet its tragic fate approximately 6 kilometers from Mashava.

In the wake of the devastating news, RioZim, the mining conglomerate that Harpal Randhawa led, issued a statement expressing its deep sorrow over the loss of its leader and his son. The company pledged full cooperation with relevant authorities as they worked diligently to gather further information about the circumstances of the crash. A comprehensive statement from the company is expected to follow, shedding more light on the incident.

It’s crucial to recognize that Harpal Randhawa’s influence extended beyond RioZim; he was also the visionary founder of GEM Holdings, a private equity firm that boasted a staggering valuation of USD 4 billion. His extensive contributions to the mining industry and Zimbabwe’s broader economy have left an indelible mark that will be remembered for generations to come. His sudden departure leaves a significant void in both the corporate world and the communities that benefited from his philanthropic endeavors.

As investigations continue into the circumstances surrounding this tragic plane crash, the legacy of Harpal Randhawa and his son, Amer Kabir, as well as their profound contributions to the mining sector, will be remembered and celebrated by many across the globe. This unfortunate incident serves as a poignant reminder of the uncertainties of life and the profound impact individuals can have on their respective fields and communities, even as we mourn the loss of these remarkable individuals.

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